The Questions…
So, if you only had 30 days to live, how would you live out your days? Would you carry the weight of the world on your shoulders? Would you forgive people you haven’t talked to in years? Would you reconcile differences with your mom or your dad? Would you hold on to every second, every minute of every day as if they were your last? Would you do something daring like sky dive or hike the Rocky Mountains? The real question is, would you live a meaningful, fulfilled, no regrets life?
A Story of Life and Love…
I took this very seriously over the past 30 Days and I have no intention of quitting. I mean, obviously I can’t quit working and responsibilities are still there, but I opened up my heart and mind to possibility that we don’t have to live for the mundane. Even in situations that seem ordinary, my heart has shifted to a position that makes this time extraordinary. Whether I am at work, home, play, family time or church time, there is a way to live free, open and available to what God has for you in that moment. You absolutely won’t know it either, until you try it on for yourself. This can’t be something that is forced, but an actual shifting of your heart by letting God do His work in you. Trust me.
So, what was the big thing that happened in the last 30 days? My long time girlfriend, the one I truly love, Sarci and I were engaged to be married. Whether I only metaphorically only had 30 days to live or I had 30 years to live, I would want to spend them with the one that Jesus has for me on this Earth. The story of our relationship is saved for another blog, but we have been waiting for this day for over 2 years and have been together nearly 7 years. I can’t wait to spend the rest of my time here with her.
A Story of How Short Life Is…
I learned on Monday that a great friend and old business partner of mine had passed away. He was only 33 years old and leaves behind a wife, Nicole, and a son, Harrison. If I were the brains of the Nate FX Productions events from 2000 – 2004, then this guy was the backbone. He was the one who made action happen and managed every show. Without him, the largest events that we threw “back in the day” would have never happened.
We had lost touch over the past couple of years as life caught up with us, but I did email occasionally and we talked on social media. One of the best things I could have ever read was on his facebook page about him getting a tattoo of The Lord’s Prayer on his arm. The caption read something like “I’m doing this for the one who saved me”. That was both inspirational and a relief.
He also changed the tone of his posts on social media from party and event related things, goofy jokes, to revealing a bit about what he was most concerned with these days. His top priorities had become his family, his son, and his well being. It looked as though he was discovering important things about life. My heart breaks for his family, and my heart breaks to know that we may only have 30 days to live. We can’t control the day we are born or the day that we will die, but we can surely control the time that we have in between. Why not live it in freedom, in life?
You can read more about Jordan Jacob and leave condolences on his Legacy Page (Click Here).
The Videos…
Rarely do we take the time to slow down and take stock of our lives. It’s easy to get caught up in the mundane and the ordinary and to lose sight of the fact that we were designed by God with grand dreams in mind. We get one life and we want it to count. What if you didn’t have to look back at your life and be full of regret? What if you really could live a no regrets life? Below is a link to the last series at my church, Quest Community. I strongly encourage you to watch them.