Just feeding Darth Vader some bead stew. #RaisedRight #StarWars #BetterThanBarbie
Just rockin’ out in the dress I won at the raffle today! #TatesCreekDance
Spent the morning delivering blankets to homeless shelters & hanging with the boy. #Serving #ShelbysWay
Oh you know, just rainy day loungin’ on the back of the couch.
I voted.
I’ll be DJing this benefit event Sunday after 9pm. Come out. Dance. Support.
Apple Genius Bar while we wait for lunch. #ITdepartment #Apple #iphone #Framily
Men… Serve others in humility and love. You were meant for it. Construction not destruction.
A well needed outdoor adventure! #RedRiverGorge #MiguelsPizza
Lorelai. #Selfie #AllBySelf #Lips